Prayers for Boards of Catholic Schools


The compilation of this resource, an initiative of the Catholic Schools Partnership, funded by the Catholic Education Service, springs from the desire to support board members at the start of meetings as they focus on the centrality of the faith journey which is integral to the wellbeing of the whole school community. 

These short pieces of scripture and prayer represent an invitation to board members to take time out from wherever they’ve come from in the intricacy of their own lives, so that the gospel values of the Word can become fresh and refreshing again as they start to consider their order of business. A choice of three prayers for each month, from August to June, has been provided with a selection of additional prayers for circumstances which might arise in the course of the life of a board. As every school has its own particular context, these resources are designed to be adapted and used flexibly, in whole or in part, as required. They can be led by the chairperson, the principal, or shared among other board-members – whatever suits those present. 

It is the hope of the Catholic Schools Partnership that the material in these pages will stir a re-engagement with the founding faith mission of schools. 

Click below to download the resource in PDF.
CSP Prayer Resource 2020

October 2020