Documents relating to ATCS discussions and submissions on policy issues in Irish education are available for downloading on this page.
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The Department of Education and Skills (DES) invited Patrons/Trustees to respond to their draft Guidelines on School Self-Evaluation at primary and post primary level. ATCS met with the Chief Inspector and his team and subsequently submitted their written response in June 2012. ATCS was represented at the meetings of the Advisory Group on Self-Evaluation in the DES in July 2012 and July 2013.
In November 2010, the ATCS submitted its response to the introduction by the Department of Education and Skills of a new model of Whole School Evaluation, called Management, Leadership and Learning (MLL).
In June 2012 ATCS commented on the introduction of Teacher Questionnaires as part of the MLL process and in June 2013 we submitted our response to the piloting of post-evaluation surveys which ask schools for feedback on the WSE process.
A regulatory framework for school enrolment has the potential to be very useful in providing guidance to schools on their enrolment policies and the implementation of same. However, the framework should not be overly prescriptive and should not detract from the responsibilities of the Board of Management as currently set out in existing legislation and other governance instruments (Articles of Management).
The regulatory framework should support the principles of diversity and parental choice which means retaining the unique identity of each school. Careful consideration needs to be given to specific issues of concern but this should not result in regulation for the sake of regulation.
In June 2010 the ATCS hosted a forum on school patronage at the Emmaus Retreat Centre near Dublin. The purpose of the forum was to alert members to the key issues shaping the discussion of school patronage in the context of evolving demographic and cultural factors shaping education provision in Ireland.
Download the full report of the presentations and discussions at this meeting below.
In March 2011 Minister Quinn announced the establishment of a Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector. The Minister appointed an Advisory Group to receive and assess the various views and perspectives submitted including those of parents, patrons, teachers and the wider community.
The Group was tasked with providing the Minister with policy advice within the Terms of Reference of the Forum.The Association of Trustees of Catholic Schools made a submission to the Advisory Group in 2011.
Download the full text below.
Where trusteeship is actively exercised, there is a strong connection between Trustees and their schools. In many cases in the past, the nature of this relationship was familial; the trustees lived on site and were very often directly involved in the running of the school, as teachers, Principals and support staff. In many cases school utilities and services were conjoined with the adjoining convent/religious house. The trustees, by virtue of being on site, were very aware of the educational work of the school, the condition of the building and property and future plans for the school.
In the current landscape, for many schools the model of trusteeship has changed from the familial model to a more formal, business model which may include formal communication protocols as well as appropriate involvement of trustees in school events.
In accordance with the Education Act and the Articles of Management, the Trustees appoint all members to the Board of Management and delegate to them the overall management of the school. However, the Trustees play a general supportive/supervisory role in relation all matters of ethos, finance and property.
ATCS responded to the Minster for Education and Skills invitation to the partners in education to make a submission on Whole School Evaluation (WSE). This was submitted in November 2010.